We are forming committees for our upcoming fashion show in January! Each is headed by an executive and we're asking everyone to choose an area to primarily help with during the fall planning.
Committees are:
Location/Theme/Decoration : talking with our location, Espace Reunion, decorating the venue, setting up chairs/tables/etc the day of the event, lighting, any logistical details related to the venue itself
Clothing, Hair, Makeup: approaching designers/companies to get their sponsorship & clothing donations, anything related to the fashion show component itself
Publicity: closer to the date, putting ads in newspapers, online, printing posters, marketing
Tickets: designing & printing tickets, scheduling collection at the door
Food: approaching supermarkets for sponsorship/donations, cooking the day of the event... don't worry, even if you are not a chef we will be doing a lot of simple veggie/fruit/cheese plates and still need help cutting/assembling!
Alcohol: buying or getting donations, setting up a bartending schedule, getting a liquor license (this can be done as close as the week before the event)
Music: we will have a live band time (during cocktails/hors d'oeuvres) and then a DJ for the show itself.... figuring out sound system (possibly renting equipment), communicating with bands/DJ and making sure they are accommodated.
In addition to these committees, we will be asking everybody to help sell tickets and publicize the event to their friends/family/acquaintances closer to the date! For now, please leave a comment with your name, email, and committee you'd like to join, or send us an email at mcgill.rotaract@gmail.com.
Also, we are looking for models, bands (appropriate music, ideally acoustic and quieter since the space is not huge, and people will want to chat, remember we will hopefully have Rotarians attending!), and photographers for the event, so if you or any of your friends are interested in helping out, please also send us an email!
DaHee Shon, da.shon@mail.mcgill.ca, is there any space left in clothing/hair/makeup committe?
Hey guys, it is Sona here, from Munich, Germany...I have only made it once to your meetings during my stay in Montréal, but i still read your blog and catch up with what you do ... Just wanted to say, the fashion show is a brilliant idea...you guys are amazing...so many cool ideas!Keep it up and best luck for the whole event!
Greetings from Munich, Sona
I can do set-up and decoration and help with ticket sales if you still need people.
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