On Thursday, November 12th, we are having a huge bake sale day, with tables in both McConnell Engineering and the Leacock lobby. Which means we are looking for LOTS of volunteers to both bake, and sit at the tables during the day. We will be selling from 9:30 to 4:30 (or whenever we run out of food). Even if you can't bake or sell, drop by and help support us by buying If you can help out, please leave a comment with the following info:
Email Address
What you will bring, to which building
When you can sit at the table (please specify which location!)
Name: Marie-Christine Noel
Email: marie-christine.noel@mail.mcgill.ca
What I'll bring: Undecided, probably tarte au sucre or ginger cookies.
Which Building: McConell
I can sit at either table between 11:30 and 1.
Name: Morgan
email: morgan.karkling@mail.mcgill.ca
I'll bring: cupcakes!
Name: Erin O'Grady
email: erin.ogrady2@mail.mcgill.ca
I can sit at the tables anytime you need me during the day up until 4pm
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